
“…but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:12

“To them I will give…a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which will not be cut off.” Isaiah 56:5

I heard a song on the radio the other day, noting that we know Him by a thousand names. We have a thousand names too, do you realize that? Some are God-given and true, some helpful in functioning in this life, and some absolute lies. If you’re taking on an identity, a name that isn’t edifying, it isn’t from Him.

I’ve been called SarahBee as long as I can remember. Think bees on every birthday card and decor reflecting the identity I’ve chosen to take on in several rooms of my home to this day.

This “identity” was born out of affection, and hey, we all answer to something. But SarahBee isn’t who I am. Mary Jo’s daughter or Lillian’s sister, as incredible as those roles may be, aren’t who I truly am either.

Through the years and to this day, I’m in a constant battle to perceive and identify with my true self, my Christ self. I’m not Christ per se, but I am absolutely an aspect of him, IN Him, and He in me. I have value not in spite of me, but BECAUSE of Him. I am fully known. Wholly loved. Daughter. Heir. Enough. Valued. Seen. Heard. Cherished.

I can’t imagine it’s just me. I’m not the only one who hears the accuser saying I’ll never be enough. My efforts won’t measure up. No one sees me. If they knew the real me, they’d walk for sure. If I don’t measure up, they WILL leave. However…I am one who knows that it’s the father of lies, and can tell people. I can tell you. If, today, your anxiety is off the charts in your striving, you’re frustrated, confused, exhausted, and seemingly lacking in purpose: it’s a lie. And think with me for a minute about what you’re struggling with. Learning anything? A lesson, or even a skill?

Why do you think this is hard? I’m constantly surprised at how difficult literally everything SEEMS to be these days…until I once again align myself with the Christ in me, identify the lies, and realize the devil lays distraction on pretty thick if he feels threatened.

Once you identify the lie, you’re more easily able to remember the truth. That you are fierce and fiercely loved. And the anxiety you’re feeling today is going to shift to excitement as you realize Jesus is about to use you. YOU. ME. For something incredible. Suddenly my impatience hasn’t ever felt so good.