Because sometimes that’s all you’ve got

Because even with progress, there will always be steps back. Some days are just like that. The first one isn’t brave all the time, nor should she expect herself to be. She’s strong, but she’s also incredibly fragile.

It’s okay.

Kick rocks.

Stay up until 4a and take weird pictures to write about in the morning. Let the neighbors watch you take pictures of dead flower beds, totally normal. It doesn’t matter. I’m blinded at the moment by more confusion than I know what to do with…and that’s okay. I keep catching myself saying, “Okay, Lord, so how do I…” and He cuts me off. I don’t anything. He is everything, does everything. In Him I live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28). Apart from Him I can do nothing (John 15:5). So why am I, (maybe you?) acting like I’m the one who has to figure it out? How come I’m taking on the world’s standards of what I have to figure out, how, and by when? It’s false. And the world’s standards are literally and utterly meaningless. (Ecc 1:1-11)

It’s all good. It’s going to be okay. I might be stumbling, but it’s my perception stumbling, not Him. He didn’t stop looking out for me, or you, regardless of if we see Him and credit it to His glory and care for us. Might even suck for a good long while…but this grossness ends and our promised internal is amazing in Christ Jesus. Put a pin in that and stare at it when you’re having a “stand alone” day.

Got any good pointers? I admit I’ve been staring for a while. I know He’ll show me, when it’s time. At the best time. But I could really use some spurring on, you know? (Hebrews 10:24). You too?

It’s okay if you could too. You’re okay. We’re not perfect, but we are enough.