“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing. But at your word I will let down the nets”…and they came and filled both the boats…”do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching (wo)men.” Luke 5: 5, 7, 10

But. Typically a word to be avoided, as it so often causes defensiveness. “I’m sorry, BUT…” really? They’re not sorry at all, or at best, sorry for the wrong reason.

The only place the word “but” has any positive connotation for me is in God’s upside down kingdom. In the Old Testament we saw Joseph claim “but God” as he interpreted pharaoh’s dreams. “But God” raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 13: 29-30). And, it’s the “But God” that makes all things possible (Matt: 19:26)

I need a little “but God” in my life these days. I’m sure it’s here but I’m having a hard time seeing it. Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is constantly calling to us, encouraging us to “put out into the deep” to see what He has in store for us. I’ve been toiling though. Striving. A lot. I could very easily have been Simon saying with exasperation, “Master, we’ve BEEN trying. Hard! *sigh* BUT, if you say to try again, I’ll take your word for it.”

Look what happens when we begin taking His word for it. We see Him show up, certain whatever He’s calling us to is impossible, and then He comes through. We’re shocked. Even afraid sometimes. It’s truly disconcerting sometimes when we long suffer in prayer and God “suddenly” shows up. Let’s say “reveals Himself,” or, “we finally noticed”. He. Is. Incredible. His level of power is scary even. But we have no reason to fear. Zero.

Even so, Jesus states unequivocally, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” I won’t be catching men. But I’m called to catch women. I feel under qualified, and skeptical if I’m completely honest. I’ve been trying SO hard. See that though? I’ve. Me. I’ve been trying SO hard.

How about you?

Hear Him calling today: yes, you’ve been trying REALLY hard. He sees. You’re frustrated, you know giving up isn’t an option, but you’re not sure what else to DO. So then don’t. You’ve been called to something greater than you. You’re afraid that trying again you’ll just be disappointed or hurt. Deeply. It’s scary. Keep trying…but stop trying what you think you need. He’s seen your efforts, He has great plans for you, He sees you’ve been trying in your own strength, but His grace IS sufficient for you…He desires that you know this, so you can share it with others. You heard the man: from now on, YOU are fishers of (wo)men.

You don’t know what to do next. So, do the things you do know to do, and trust. Listen. Talk to him. Walk in His is forests, praise Him for His creation, internalize His word. Love others well.

It’s literally all you need to do. You might be surprised what happens and how He reveals Himself when you let go of the striving and outcomes, and simply, patiently, await direction.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis