I’ve spent a lot of time attempting to “earn” the approval of others, human and Devine. In prayer this morning I asked most explicitly yet that The Lord reveal to me why, when I had the love and seeming “approval” of so many, I felt so much personal lack. I desire to be in close relationship and community, and while it’s been a dry season, I’m not friendless. I have a church I can get as involved in as I’d like. There are volunteering opportunities all over the place. I have a large family, many of which I stay in close connection with; the love evident. And, while often distant, I have trustworthy friends.

So why don’t I lean into them?

In (major) part, I don’t want to “bother” anyone with my trouble or big feelings. In part I don’t want to be perceived as “negative”, although the last few years have been tough…and would have been for anybody. So how come I don’t see it that way? How come I’ve seen myself as weak, fragile, for so long? How come I can’t credit myself with being “worth” caring about? “Worth” the attention? The affection?

The darker part: because working for it is the only way to legitimately EARN any approval worth having.

I said it was dark, and if you unpack it, it really is. It causes human hearts to dismiss the love and approval right in front of them, believing deep down that we must earn the approval. And, if we didn’t, well, we’re imposters taking what isn’t ours.

Hogwash. The Lord hasn’t called me, us, to EARN crap.

Certainly, faith without works is dead (James 2). A good tree bears much fruit (Matt 7). But He told us we literally COULD NOT earn it. He also told us He demands mercy, not sacrifice for its own sake (Hosea 6). Our works should be the grateful manifestation of Christ’s approval…and us trusting we have it.

Guard your heart. It sounds ludicrous, but sometimes people, the world, purposely withhold its approval to manipulate. Perhaps you have one (or a few) in your life right now that you’ve been pursuing for approval. See your value, your worth, your WORTHINESS of being loved well. The APPROVAL of our Heavenly Father. YOU DON’T NEED anything else.. Stop seeking approval that isn’t yours to receive and refocus your perception on the approval you already have….in abundance.

You can’t earn it. But you have His mercy, grace, and LOVE in infinite spades. Live in that. Live in HIS approval today. Show the same mercy, be the same light to those around you and just see what this unearthly confidence does to brighten your light and draw close those who so desperately need it…and may be called to encourage you too.