How we perceive ourselves and everything around us will dictate our experience.

It all comes down to IDENTITY.

Even the most successful, secular, figureheads will tell you that in order to re-train your mind, (some would say emotions), habitual change is not enough. What we believe must become our identity. The core. Everything must flow from it. We as believers know intrinsically we’re connected to Christ, it’s simply a matter of awareness; His children consciously Identifying as His daughter, His son, and allowing His light, OUR light, to manifest in us.

We are the light of the world.

I’m starting to truly realize just how much I’ve struggled with “earning” His love. It follows that I also struggle with “proving” my love for Christ and Our Father in return.

Thing is: that connection with my Father can only BE, because it’s a connection in spirit. When we realize our core identity IS the light/love connection with our Father, our Creator, our Lover, what can “our” energy, connected to THE infinite light DO to earn this position, this connection? It can’t. She can’t, by design.

This causes me to think differently about our difficultly being still and knowing that He is God. (Psalm 46:10). In His presence and aware of our unbreakable connection, what could we possibly offer but our love in return? Anything else is as filthy rags compared. (Isaiah 64:6)

What’s left to DO besides be still and know, when your light is connected to a light infinitely bigger than…”you”?

I had to draw the below for comprehension. Our minds create lines of separation, forming a perception of distance in our connection with God. Once we fully realize there aren’t any lines, our entire perception changes. The stars ARE the sun. Absorbed. Consumed already.

My point: In our minds, we can look and feel separated from our Father, but the connection is always there. Christ is me, Christ in me. We can “see” to the extent we believe in our true identity. But whether we do or don’t doesn’t change this truth.

Today, realize your true identity. You are the light. You are connected to the Greatest light, who made you and into infinity claims you. Be still and see, feel the deliverance. He says the battle is is His, and He, WE, always, always win.

Where we see lack and loss, He sees His grace abounding more. Always. She who has eyes to see, let her see…and let her radiate love, light, and POWER on a world in need of THE greatest light.

I am connected to the light and I am loved. Always.