God's goodness
Legally speaking…November 11, 2024
It’s a glorious 60 degree, February day in Northern Michigan, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the sunshine!
I walk up my street, the wind deafening me to any other sound beyond the thump-thump of feet on pavement. I climb the first hill speaking with Jesus as we walk, and the rocks below catch my eye.
I walk back. Stare.
It admittedly doesn’t look like much. But what are the chances these two rocks, previously crumbled and driven over hundreds of times a day, land in such a way?
Normally my spirit would see a rock and simply know that it, by nature, was crying out. I’d smile. This time I thought, “what are the chances two rocks, perhaps once one, land entwined?”
I love that often when I pray, thanking the Lord for His curiosities, the lackadaisical ponderings are quickly answered by a still, small voice.
“Pretty cool, huh? Can you believe so many people think the rock We live on was negotiated by chance? That it all sort of just boom, happened, and I had nothing to do with it?”
I truly cannot.
As we seek to reflect our Father and the Christ living inside us, we know this relationship wasn’t by chance. It was intentional. He’s not only created us to cry out, He demonstrated His awareness of us, and His desire to be seen and acknowledged in His creation…His desire to be forever close. Intertwined. Just as the universe didn’t just “bang”, you didn’t just happen. We were crafted.
He showed me, so I show you. We share this incredible news; that we too are loved, seen, and made with good intention.
He says to us today: “I’m glad you’re here. We’ve got some shouting to do.” 😉
November 11, 2024