Protecting Pearls

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs.” -Matthew 7:6

Pearls before swine: on its face, it sounds judgmental and harsh, huh.

It’s not though. It’s discerning. And it’s God breathed. Commanded, even.

Case-in-point: I’ve been asked by unbelievers to defend my love of Christ. They insist on an explanation that I know in my gut will never be received, regardless of how much truth and love are communicated. When they ask why I don’t continue to argue, I WANT to say “Eh, pearls before swine. It’s just not worth it.”

It would be true.

It would also potentially cause a person to feel unvalued and be a poor reflection of Christ; perhaps using His words outside loving context.

The thing about this scripture is particular is: It isn’t about the pigs.

It’s about protecting the pearls.

While your eloquent and spirit-filled words may be pearls of infinite worth, if the soil on which they’re cast is hard and acidic, a seasoned farmer knows the seed being cast cannot grow. Why would he waste something of such value, or even risk his potential harm, on a lost cause?

I’ve compromised my time and energy many times over the years, thinking that it was love to allow abuse so long as love was being demonstrated by me and the gospel was being shared. I’ve put forth exorbitant effort making a case of The Kingdom, our great God, and His Son, The Christ, to not only be rebutted, but berated and abused.

Sure. Jesus said the world would hate us because it hated Him. Don’t be surprised if they hate us too, as they sense the reflection of the Christ inside us. But please know: Jesus set boundaries, and did so because He cares. He goes on to say, “If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

He doesn’t want that for us. He told us it was okay to be shrewd, and that it’s okay to not walk directly into harm for His sake if His Spirit tells us it isn’t worth it.

Be bold. As He said: “Go and proclaim the gospel to all nations. The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.” Even so, please don’t be afraid to discern which situations you’re called to speak in to, and set boundaries to protect yourself. As He said, “Above all things, guard your heart.” He told you to, and it’s OKAY to prioritize yourself. You’re a pearl of great price…and so are your words.