We all worship something.

We all worship something. It’s how we were made. Worship is a spiritual act, no doubt, although it’s made manifest in how we live our lives, so it’s often mis-perceived as something else. Some are more obvious than others (drug addiction, for example), but food addiction is the same hurting spirit made manifest in a more “acceptable” fashion. This isn’t to create shame. It’s to demonstrate in both instances we are shown grace, and in both instances we turn to something other than God to fill a void.

That’s worship.

This became obvious to me again over a recent lunch discussion. A fellow I met for lunch and may never meet again said he didn’t believe in God because He couldn’t see Him…and, “why did He need to be worshipped so bad anyway?”

I admittedly got a little defensive; I’d just met this guy and he’s already praising himself and bashing on Jesus. Praise God, my Father caught me after I’d said, “and what makes you so prideful you can’t worship the God who made you?” He reminded me He didn’t need me to defend Him and maybe that was more misplaced self-protection than loving defense.

Message received. I toned it down.

The conversation was…not worth reiterating. I was reminded of a few things I need to avoid as I love well and I’ll leave it there. What is worth reiterating: God is worthy of all our praise. He MADE us. He gave us every good thing we have, and walks us through every struggle thrown our way by the devil, common man, and ourselves.

We honor presidents who arguably don’t deserve it.

We love and honor parents. They may or may not have done their best, but we typically care for them innately.

We love and honor our appearance, homes, vehicles, recreation, and work prestige; all of which He gave us. And yet, we so often forget to honor HIM.

We all worship something. I choose God. Christ. His Spirit.

He doesn’t need a reason. But He’s given us a million, and I’d suggest we honor….WORSHIP…that. <3