Trusting too easily

Over the years I’ve found myself repeatedly pouring out pieces of myself hoping to be fully seen and known…and still loved “despite me”, as though I had to “sell” the best parts of me in order to be accepted with all my “bad”. I’ve found that the pieces of me revealed in confidence (and if I’m honest in hope of connection), have often been deemed lacking, and in many instances used against me. I’ve shared the most tender details of myself to be met with, well, nothing at best, and blind-siding attacks at worst. At all familiar?

I am on this planet to glorify my Heavenly Father, and love others, all others, well. Every human is my neighbor, my sister, my brother. Even when I’m met with discouragement and indifference, I feel two things: for one, I feel intensely unworthy. I don’t have what it takes to reach the heart of that individual. To please that individual (as though that’s what it’s about; it’s not). I wasn’t kind enough. Second and perhaps worse, I feel that person doesn’t know how badly they’re hurting me, and immediately give them a pass. I feel like my response SHOULD be, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

And it should.

There’s a lot of peace that comes with assuming the best of people.

Here’s the thing: there’s a balance.

If another is causing harm greater than the love you’re giving, it’s okay to cut your losses. Jesus did. He spoke truth with unimaginable love, and people still walked away.  He let them.  He didn’t beg for their approval or give more of Himself than He was willing or should. He knew His value. His worth. His purpose. Many treated Him poorly, and His response was total forgiveness for all, but He also had solid boundaries. So should we.

If you’re blessed enough to receive an apology, but don’t sense heart change and behavior isn’t modified: apology accepted, access denied. And, hate to tell you, but if you’ve not received one…it’s probably not coming.

Don’t let the world change you. You are the daughter of your Father, who is love. This is what we do.

I suggest a gut check. The world is going to take take take what you give it, often offering nothing in return. That’s okay. Keep going. Keep loving. Keep doing YOU. Just ask Dad for clarity on where He’ll most effectively use your effort and love for His glory. I’ve found that the people He wants me to love well are often not the same people from whom I’m seeking approval for my own tragic means. Ask Him!

You do you. Love well. This includes loving YOU well too, sweet sister. <3

Know who you are: The loving daughter of our Father, who knows her worth. Claim it today.

It’s yours.