Today’s truth: The Lord wins EVERY battle, and ultimately allows us to join Him in winning “the war”.

In prayer today I thanked God that despite losing so many of my internal battles, He, we, ultimately win the war, thanks be to God. Immediately, however, my spirit said that wasn’t quite right. It said, “No, God wins every battle, and we win the war, in Christ.” Let me unpack.

Not sure about you, but I feel like, “lose” battles on the daily. I respond apart from Christ’s love. I’m just a little less than honest. I, “do the things I do not wish to do.” Here’s the thing: do I believe in Grace?

It’s sufficient for me.

It abounds more.

His strength, His grace, is made perfect in my weakness. Your weakness.

So today, Lord, I thank you for the battles you’re winning on our behalf. I thank you that the battles you’re fighting do not disqualify us, me. I thank you that in Christ, I am a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come, and it’s no longer me but Christ in me. I thank you that I’ve been set apart and eternally separated from my sin nature.

I know the truth, and it has set me free; even on the days and in the moments I don’t feel like it.

Claim truth today. Claim grace. Claim your sin nature’s weakness and thank the Lord for his grace and mercy ALWAYS abounding more. Selah.