Lack v. Abundance

I’ve loved watching my lilies come up a bit stronger every year, growing larger and more buds than I can now count. This year, however, they seem to be challenged. What used to be thriving is now experiencing a significant struggle to survive. It could be a lot of things. The sun has been particularly […]

What’s the why?

Through my season of transition, I’ve had to find a new church community, and it’s been a long time coming. The fellowship I experienced before isn’t an option for me now, and it’s left a gap in my spirit that’s been difficult to fill. Even so, I was taught since my first allowance the importance […]

We’re what He’s baking

Being present is something I feel the Lord impressing on me lately. He’s Omnipresent and I’m made in His likeness. He calls me to be present in relationship with Him. Any future planning should always done with the understanding of “Lord willing” as we were taught in James, as He ultimately orders our steps. And, […]

Burn the ships

I’ve made some pretty major life decisions over the last year, and I find myself being questioned on occasion about if I’m being too ambitious, or if I’m perhaps over-reacting to the life-situations that have come to a head. For years, I’ve thought I was irrational, hypersensitive and overreactive, causing me to question my feelings, […]

Vines and Branches

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in […]

One Body

Work has felt all-consuming lately. I feel like I’ve lost sight of my most-important goal: People. First. Always. So, today I asked God to help me put people before my job again, to show me if it was okay to leave this job to regain my soul.   In answer, He sent the girl next […]

Before and Behind

You’ve heard me suggest focusing on loving well instead of sinning less. When you’re loving well, you quite literally cannot sin. I relate to Paul in so many ways, and I’m grateful God chose to expose Paul’s struggles. I’m thankful Paul demonstrated authenticity when begging God to remove the thorn from his side, and lamenting […]

The power of “No”

Yes. Typically easier than a “no”, usually feels good to say, and for years it’s been tripping me up. I’ve found that I’m not all together clear on what a healthy “yes” is anymore, nor when to give one…but I’m learning. I’m learning I don’t have to give an immediate answer; I mean, where in […]

It’s gonna be better

This morning I found myself praying to God that He bring me back to the place I was before, where I’d felt so connected and in community, serving my purposes intentionally…filled with His joy, my strength. The quiet response was something I’d considered in passing prior, but needed to revisit. The last few years have […]


“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing. But at your word I will let down the nets”…and they came and filled both the boats…”do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching (wo)men.” Luke 5: 5, […]