Can I abuse His grace?

I don’t want to abuse your grace, Lord I need it everyday.  It’s the only thing that really ever makes me want to change. -We The Kingdom

True faith begins with salvation, the acceptance of His grace.  It’s offered freely.  In Christ everything is now permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. (1 Cor 10:23)

My challenge in receiving the grace?  That is makes me want to change so badly.  That when I fail miserably at positive, Christ-centered change, it makes me shame and judge myself.  The FAILURE makes me shame and judge myself, NOT His grace and my seeming inability to accept the gift sometimes.  The truth is, I’ve received the undeserved, absolute grace and forgiveness of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  He loves me like crazy and nothing I could ever do will change that.  I cannot be separated.

Perhaps here’s the rub: I have this incredible grace, that causes me to desire heart change and to serve my Lord, God, Father, and Friend to the very best of my ability…but then my ability.  I think I try in my ability rather than in His grace…causing me to judge myself.  With a gift that amazing, why do I suck so badly that it doesn’t cause me to love more and sin less?  It’s like I miss the whole point even though I know what it is.  You too?

His Word says to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.  The truth is, as proclaimed by the spirit, that I’m loved.  And I’m okay. (John 4:24)

Lord.  Help me step back from myself and reconsider this truth.  Please show me today that your grace is always there, always has been.  Please show me and help me accept that I will continue to fall short in my flesh…but I am NOT my flesh. (Romans 7:17)

I’m not to focus on the lesser that I perceive myself to be (temporarily in this life), but the more HE is…the more He is IN me, for all eternity.  I am a new creation (2 Cor 5: 17-18).  The failures covered in grace I continue to judge myself for is also sin…and He covers THAT too.  I have literally no reason or right to judge myself any longer.  At every turn I could shirk this grace and find a way to once again condemn myself for lack of perfection…. But I AM PERFECT. I AS THE DAUGHTER OF MY FATHER AM PERFECT RIGHT NOW, He says so.  (Romans 8:1, Matt 5:48) He accepts nothing less, and He accepts me.  He has no fellowship with darkness (1 John 1:5), and He’s called me the Light of the World (Matt 5:14).  And when I can’t see it, I’m STILL perfect in the eyes of my Father and Big Brother.   I’m still light.  It doesn’t change.  I’m temporarily blinded…but He never is.

Lord, give me eyes to see.  Help me truly know.  And help me to share this truth with others that struggle as badly as I have to internalize this truth.